This blog will provide lists of local publications by students and staff from Keele Health Faculty, University Hospital of North Staffordshire, NHS Stoke on Trent, NHS North Staffordshire and the North Staffordshire Combined Health Trust.

This blog is updated on a monthly basis through searches conducted on AMED, BNI, Cinahl, Embase, HMIC, Medline and PsychInfo. Please contact the library if you wish any additional material to be added to the blog.

Friday 18 September 2009

June 2009

How to... teach pelvic floor muscle exercises. 2009. Midwives, 12(3), 15-16.

BENSMAIL D., WARD A.B., WISSEL J., MOTTA F., SALTUARI L., LISSENS J., CROS S. and BERESNIAK A., 2009. Cost-effectiveness modeling of intrathecal baclofen therapy versus other interventions for disabling spasticity. Neurorehabilitation and neural repair, 23(6), 546-552.

BOTS M.L., PALMER M.K., DOGAN S., PLANTINGA Y., RAICHLEN J.S., EVANS G.W., O'LEARY D.H., GROBBEE D.E. and CROUSE III J.R., 2009. Intensive lipid lowering may reduce progression of carotid atherosclerosis within 12 months of treatment: The METEOR study. Journal of internal medicine, 265(6), 698-707.

BULLOCK A.D., HASSELL A., MARKHAM W.A., WALL D.W. and WHITEHOUSE A.B., 2009. How ratings vary by staff group in multi-source feedback assessment of junior doctors. Medical education, 43(6), 516-520.

CD, M., S, M. and E, T., 2009. Is childhood pain associated with future mental health problems? A population based study of young adults in North Staffordshire. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology, 44(6), 489-94.

DL, M., A, B. and PT, D., 2009. Relationship between pack-year history of smoking and response to tumor necrosis factor antagonists in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Rheumatology, 36(6), 1180-7.

DUDLEY K.J., REVILL K., CLAYTON R.N. and FARRELL W.E., 2009. Pituitary tumours: All silent on the epigenetics front. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, 42(6), 461-468.

FOSTER N.E., 2009. Validation study of a placebo acupuncture needle Commentary. Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies, 14(2), 117-118.

FUMAROLA S., 2009. Case report: When a foam dressing isn't enough: Exudate management in a surgically debrided pressure injury. Wounds UK, 5(2),.

GREENOUGH A., ALEXANDER J., BOIT P., BOORMAN J., BURGESS S., BURKE A., CHETCUTI P.A., CLIFF I., LENNEY W., LYTLE T., MORGAN C., RAIMAN C., SHAW N.J., SYLVESTER K.P. and TURNER J., 2009. School age outcome of hospitalisation with respiratory syncytial virus infection of prematurely born infants. Thorax, 64(6), 490-495.

HALPERN J., HARRIS S., SUAREZ V., JEYARATNAM R. and SMITH A.G., 2009. Epithelioma cuniculatum: A case report. Foot and Ankle Surgery, 15(2), 114-116.

HARRISON M.J., DAVIES L.M., BANSBACK N.J., MCCOY M.J., FARRAGHER T.M., VERSTAPPEN S.M.M., HASSELL A. and SYMMONS D.P.M., 2009. Why do patients with inflammatory arthritis often score states "worse than death" on the EQ-5D? An investigation of the EQ-5D classification system. Value in Health, 12(6), 1026-1034.

HAYS R., 2009. Self-directed learning of clinical skills. Medical education, 43(6), 505-506.

HILL J., LEWIS M. and BIRD H., 2009. Do OA patients gain additional benefit from care from a clinical nurse specialist? - A randomized clinical trial. Rheumatology, 48(6), 658-664.

J, H. and C, M., 2009. Childhood constipation: a new approach. Primary Health Care, 19(6), 24-27.

JENKINSON P.M., EDELSTYN N.M.J., DRAKEFORD J.L. and ELLIS S.J., 2009. Reality monitoring in anosognosia for hemiplegia. Consciousness and cognition, 18(2), 458-470.

JK, P., A, K., Y, Y., P, D., CHIO-SRICHAN S, M, M., GD, S. and SULE-SUSO J, 2009. Spectroscopic signatures of single, isolated cancer cell nuclei using synchrotron infrared microscopy. Analyst, 134(6), 1176-81.

JR, G. and SH, C., 2009. Effect of fluid flow-induced shear stress on human mesenchymal stem cells: differential gene expression of IL1B and MAP3K8 in MAPK signaling. Gene Expression Patterns, 9(5), 381-8.

K, R., KJ, D., RN, C., AM, M. and WE, F., 2009. Loss of neuronatin expression is associated with promoter hypermethylation in pituitary adenoma. Endocrine-related cancer, 16(2), 537-48.

KJ, D., K, R., RN, C. and WE, F., 2009. Pituitary tumours: all silent on the epigenetics front. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, 42(6), 461-8.

L, L., 2009. Immune system. Nursing Standard, 23(39),.

L, L., 2009. Immune system... this practice profile is based on NS473 Storey M, Jordan S (2008) An overview of the immune system. Nursing Standard. 23, 15-17, 47-56. Nursing Standard, 23(39), 59-60.

LENNEY W., 2009. The aetiology of childhood asthma. Paediatrics and Child Health, 19(6), 257-260.

MATTEY D.L., BROWNFIELD A. and DAWES P.T., 2009. Relationship between pack-year history of smoking and response to tumor necrosis factor antagonists in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Rheumatology, 36(6), 1180-1187.

MCPHEE J.S., WILLIAMS A.G., STEWART C., BAAR K., SCHINDLER J.P., ALDRED S., MAFFULLI N., SARGEANT A.J. and JONES D.A., 2009. The training stimulus experienced by the leg muscles during cycling in humans. Experimental physiology, 94(6), 684-694.

MK, S., G, K., S, B. and WYNN-JONES C, 2009. Medium term results of reverse total shoulder replacement in patients with rotator cuff arthropathy. Irish journal of medical science, 178(2), 147-50.

MOSTAFA S., TAGBOTO S., ROBINSON M., BURDEN A. and DAVIES S., 2009. Over-representation of diabetic patients with renal anaemia in the primary care setting. Family practice, 26(3), 180-182.

MURRAY N., BRUNT M., MACBETH F. and WINSTANLEY J., 2009. Advanced Breast Cancer: Diagnosis and Treatment. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence Guideline 2009 - a Solid Basis for Good Clinical Practice. Clinical oncology, 21(5), 368-370.

PATEL N., SRINIVASAN K.G. and RAYATT S., 2009. Samosa dressing in hand surgery. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 62(6), 844-845.

PATI S., KOMBOGIORGAS D., ANWAR A. and PRICE R.F., 2009. Spontaneous extra-axial intracranial hemorrhage followed by thrombosis in congenital afibrinogenemia: perioperative management of this rare combination. Surgical neurology, 71(6), 689-692.

PATTINSON K.T.S., GOVERNO R.J., MACINTOSH B.J., RUSSELL E.C., CORFIELD D.R., TRACEY I. and WISE R.G., 2009. Opioids depress cortical centers responsible for the volitional control of respiration. Journal of Neuroscience, 29(25), 8177-8186.

PIJANKA J.K., KOHLER A., YANG Y., DUMAS P., CHIO-SRICHAN S, MANFAIT M., SOCKALINGUM G.D. and SULE-SUSO J, 2009. Spectroscopic signatures of single, isolated cancer cell nuclei using synchrotron infrared microscopy. Analyst, 134(6), 1176-1181.

R, H., 2009. Self-directed learning of clinical skills. Medical education, 43(6), 505-6.

R, R., AG, S., A, B. and M, S., 2009. The value of skin biopsy in inflammatory dermatoses. American Journal of Dermatopathology, 31(4), 350-3.

RAJARATNAM R., SMITH A.G., BISWAS A. and STEPHENS M., 2009. The value of skin biopsy in inflammatory dermatoses. American Journal of Dermatopathology, 31(4), 350-353.

S, G., AA, F., PR, H., WYNN-JONES C and N, M., 2009. Fibrillin 1 gene with R2726W mutation is absent in patients with primary protrusio acetabuli and developmental dysplasia of the hip. Medical Science Monitor, 15(5), CR199-202.

S, L., A, K., D, E., J, S. and N, M., 2009. Management of unstable slipped upper femoral epiphysis: a meta-analysis. British medical bulletin, 90, 133-46.

S, M., S, T., M, R., A, B. and S, D., 2009. Over-representation of diabetic patients with renal anaemia in the primary care setting. Family practice, 26(3), 180-2.

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